
BadCopyareahip-hoptriogroupfromBelgrade,Serbiaknownfortheirhumorouslyricsandslang.ThemembersareAjsNigrutinWikluhSky(Đorđe ...,,,,BadCopyisapunkandindiebandnewssitefeaturingexclusivephotos,reviews,newsandcolumnsfrompassionatewriters,photographers,andeditors.,BadCopyareapopularhip-hopgroupfromBelgrade,Serbiaknownfortheirhumorouslyricsandslang.ThemembersareAjsNigrutin(stagenameofVladan ...,AjsNig...

Bad Copy

Bad Copy are a hip-hop trio group from Belgrade, Serbia known for their humorous lyrics and slang. The members are Ajs Nigrutin Wikluh Sky (Đorđe ...

Bad Copy

Bad Copy is a punk and indie band news site featuring exclusive photos, reviews, news and columns from passionate writers, photographers, and editors.

Bad Copy Discography

Bad Copy are a popular hip-hop group from Belgrade, Serbia known for their humorous lyrics and slang. The members are Ajs Nigrutin (stage name of Vladan ...

bad copy official

Ajs Nigrutin & Smoke Mardeljano - Umro je trep [Official Music video] Slušajte na svim digitalnim platformama: ...